Edinburgh Roundtables

V.I.P. invite-only online key event, evolved insights into Competitive & Collaborative Advantage

    Countdown to the next Roundtable...








    V.I.P. group

    Join a fantastic peer group of professionals, discussing key issues, to help you survive & thrive
    (Limited to 20 eligible registrants)

    Learn, Probe & Insights

    Discover how to look at again at Competitiveness – in an evolved, practical and empowering way, and really stand out…

     Register / Apply now

    Registrations are only available through the FREE smartphone app – so just download it now (this goes direct to your phone) and follow instructions!

    Subjects Covered – and Resolved

    The Edinburgh Roundtables ™ on Competitive Advantage are occasional online and offline events, bringing together professionals to discuss and debate, and to gain an insight into the deductive process crafted by the Edinburgh Institute, to give a sustainable, long-term competitive edge.

    Science and Technology

    Being competitive is more than just ‘producing the best, latest, widget’. S&T based companies are often not the best at marketing…

    Business & Professional

    During a single Roundtable session, we identified the core challenge (and opportunity) for all professional services. Not bad!


    As ‘competitiveness’ relates to more than just a core product, we all need to examine how our products can better align with markets.

    Management Education

    We realised over the years, that management training may have only a temporary effect. You need to be able to replicate results again and again. So we built the means to do just that…


    Scotland in particular, is famous for being a destination and terrific location. But there is international competition, and other pressures – so we thrashed it out…

    SME ≠ Large Corp!

    Small to medium sized businesses have different issues than large. So why are they expected to copy larger organisations yet don’t have their resources? Well, we cracked that too.

    Our mission is to provide more than management education – by enabling YOU to have, and be able to keep crafting, a TWO-YEAR sustainable advantage and edge…

    Carefully craft a profound, evidential way for your to view competitiveness, where you discover how to create an edge through identifying and shoring up a real advantage, aligning it with your market and those you serve, all leading to long-term superior performance, pricing, and results.
    And you can repeat the process again, and again… (and present it to all with greater confidence)!

    Take a look at how organisations are engaging with us and learning how to be more relevant and valuable, forever… come to an Edinburgh Roundtable!